ISARA Insights Blog

Quantum Computing: Its Emergence & Implications on Information Security

Mark Pecen
Dec 19, 2017

Leading governments around the globe, along with major corporations, including IBM, Google, Microsoft, have all made substantial investments in the development of large-scale quantum computers, just in…

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Why Quantum Computing is a Board Level Security Risk

Scott Totzke
Dec 13, 2017

In recent years, there has been an undisputed increase in enterprise data breaches across the globe. At first, this was only a concern for IT, CISO’s and CIO’s. However, with growing fiduciary responsibility,…

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Next-Generation Cryptographic Certificates: Toward Quantum-Safe Identity

Mark Pecen
Nov 08, 2017

Cryptographic certificates are used to prove a person’s, system’s, company’s or other entity’s identity. Today, cryptographic certificates are based on public-key cryptography, which is vulnerable to quantum…

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The Quantum-Safe Migration: Cryptography’s Overhaul

Scott Totzke
Oct 26, 2017

On October 17th, the Hudson Institute – a think tank headquartered in Washington, DC – gathered quantum computing and cybersecurity experts to explore the quantum threat from a security and policy perspective.…

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Do You Know About Quantum’s Threat to OTA Software Updates?

Alex Truskovsky
Oct 17, 2017

Today, remotely updating a device’s software - such as a connected car or smartphone - is easy and cost-effective. There’s no need to physically return the device to the manufacturer, which happily saves…

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